Auditions are held on Sunday evenings prior to regular rehearsals by appointment when openings occur. Please use contact form below.
Audition Material
1. A chromatic scale from your lowest most comfortable note to your highest most comfortable note. Slur ascending; tongue descending.
2. 3 scales of your own choosing other than C, F or Bb, 2 octaves, slur ascending; tongue descending in eight notes at about 120 beats per minute (quarter note).
3. Two short passages from an etude or solo. One demonstrating lyrical style and one demonstrating technical style.
4. Sight reading from the season repertoire selected by the Conductor.
Auditions will be heard by the Conductor, the Associate Conductor and the Section Principal.
The decision of the auditioning committee is considered final.
The Kansas City Wind Symphony is working to build a professional level ensemble in a community setting. Faithful and punctual attendance to all rehearsals and concerts is a must. When any event must be missed, it is the responsibility of the player to contact the section leader as well as the conductor. Members of the Wind Symphony are expected to prepare for each rehearsal by ensuring that all parts of current repertoire are mastered before each rehearsal of the full ensemble.
Rehearsals are held each Sunday evening, 7:00pm – 9:00pm , in the sanctuary of The Village Church, 6641 Mission Road (West 67th and Mission Rd.) in Prairie Village, Kansas.
There are no membership fees or financial expectations of members. Though donations may be received to support KCWS needs, admission to all concerts is free with the public invited.